Hooray - our new year is starting!
Here are the dates for the first week of term at Brockley Primary School...
Tuesday: 18th September
Friday: 21st September
Saturday: 22nd September

You can find dates for the whole year on our 'Home' page.

The booking pack for our New Year is now available to be downloaded from the 'Home' page. Please help us find as many new friends of all ages to join us - just forward this link or get them to call us: 020 8692 7007!

All our classes are continuing, some with new times, and we also have new classes added. So do check closely.

Happy holidays and see you in September!

Well done Tinu - we knew you'd do it! Tinu, a Montage student and mother of one of our littler students, has completed the sponsored 52.4 km double marathon and come in at number 48!! Click here to read of Tinu's story - a truly moving and joyous account of her day.

Tinu - words aren't enough to thank you for your support and commitment to Montage - it is amazing actions and your kind words like these that help make everything we do worthwhile.

The money Tinu raised is still being counted - and I will let you know very shortly. Any of you who sponsored Tinu or wish to donate to her fund, the fee can be given to Nicola at the office at the Albany or at the Summer School next week or even in the new term in September if you can't make it earlier.

Here is Tinu's certificate, her medals and a lovely photo of Tinu clearly enthusiastic before the race! We are so proud of you and once again - THANK YOU TINU!