Lots of classes for all ages from 3 - 83 years. New courses and old for everyone!
New Brockley venues at Prendergast, Hilly Fields and Crossways Academy near Telegraph Hill.
Summer term includes Lewisham People's Day and other local performing events.

Download your booking pack - just click here!
Print off the booking forms and send in to the office with payment. We look forward to seeing you in April!
This is where the children show their parents, friends and families what they've been working on throughout the term.

The last day of the Spring Term is Saturday 28th March 2009

There are no demonstrations this term as both staff and students use this term to develop technique without the pressure of creating a show.

The main event for the Spring Term is the My Turn event on Saturday 28th March where all students and parents are welcome to join us. Details are in the next blog posting.

Look forward to seeing you there.
My Turn’ is your event – your turn and it will be the first time that Prendergast and Crossways students come together in an event at Prendergast School!

On Saturday 28th March, the students, parents and staff from the Saturday School at Crossways will come directly to Prendergast School for their programme from 10 - 1.15pm and join the students and staff there. Parents come to see the show with the students at 12pm.

Now you can have a go, so choreograph your own dance, write your own song, or write your own comedy drama – whatever class you do. Or do all three! If you’ve always wanted to, or just don’t know what it might be like – please have a go. It’s for you and we’re all here to cheer you on.

This event is not a competition – it is open to all Montage students, aged 6 years and over (adults too!), but there are guidelines with progress closely monitored by staff so you can produce the best work you possibly can. So here goes:

• You can do any or all - dance, comedy script or song in any style you wish. Really enjoy choosing your music for dance (be original!), or the topic for your drama or song. And nothing offensive please.

• Each piece must be no longer than 2 minutes and 30 secs and no shorter than 1 minute 30 secs – we will be VERY strict on this. We don’t want to yawn!

• Your number or numbers must be made by you only and performed solo by you or can be a performed as a duet with a friend.

• You must create your pieces outside of the Montage classes – so do it at home!

• Musical accompaniment: please provide a CD or tape which must be named by student and song/dance/act.

• Costume can be worn if you wish for the presentation. Usual clothes for classwork is also absolutely fine – this is not a show! Small props may be used.

• Teachers will give positive feedback and guidance. To do this, there are 2 dates you need to do work by:

a) Ideas: You need to write a few lines on a named sheet of paper telling us what you’d like to do and what each piece of work is about – parents can help with this!

b) Tell us your story: This is where we need to see a plan of your story or dance or song, so write down its beginning, middle and end and give it to your teacher.
This must be done by 7th March!

If we’ve got a lot of entries, the teachers will ask you to show your work to us before the
'My Turn' event. We will tell then you if your piece is developed enough to be shown.

c) Presentation, Saturday 28th March, 12 – 1pm:
You will perform your song, dance or act on the Prendergast stage to students, teachers and families.

Parents do encourage your children to take part and help them along the way – it should be great fun. Just ask a teacher if you have any queries.

HAVE A GO – AND HAVE A BALL! We look forward to seeing what you come up with!